skilled work injury attorney in los angeles

Thousands of people suffer injuries at work each day in the United States. While some of the injuries may be minor and not require any medical care or treatment, others can be extensive and cause serious or even permanent injuries or disabilities. Often employees do not know just what to do when they are injured at work, causing them to delay action that they should take to file a worker’s compensation claim. Delays can end up costing you dearly, especially if you are disabled and can no longer work. Getting a skilled work injury attorney in Los Angeles can help you dramatically with your situation.

An Attorney to Help with a Claim

While speaking to a lawyer may not be the first thing on your mind when you are hurt, you do want to act quickly to make sure you get the advice and guidance that can make a difference to you. There are deadlines involved with filing worker’s compensation claims when you are hurt, and you need to know what they are and what you should do so you file correctly. A lawyer can assist you with your paperwork, making sure filling is done on time so that your case and claims get seen.

skilled work injury attorney in los angeles

An Attorney to Represent You

There may be situations where you must go to hearings regarding your case, particularly if your claim is denied and you choose to appeal. Having a work injury attorney in Los Angeles with you as representation can help you at your hearings. Your lawyer can stand up and speak for you, stating your case and presenting evidence to the hearing panel. A good lawyer will know the laws well and can do all that is needed to help get a verdict that is beneficial to you.

A Skilled Work Injury Attorney in Los Angeles for You

At Belal Hamideh Law, we have an experienced, skilled work injury attorney in Los Angeles on staff that can assist you. We can help guide you through the complex worker’s compensation process and be there to protect your rights along the way. To speak with a lawyer today, phone us at 888-277-6122, and we can schedule a meeting with you so you can ask all the questions you may have. The call is free of charge so you can get advice that will help you.