a Workmans Comp Lawyer in Los Angeles

You recently suffered an injury while you were at work and needed medical attention. Perhaps the injury was severe enough that it has kept you out of work for a few days, or the potential is there for the injury to affect you long-term. Your family, friends, and co-workers have talked to you about worker’s comp, benefits and filing the appropriate paperwork with your employer so that you can get compensation. You may be unfamiliar with the process, what to do, what your rights are, and that might be enough to frighten you away from taking action. Now may be the time for you to consider contacting a workman’s compensation attorney in Los Angeles to give you advice and assistance.

An Attorney to Explain the Process

Talking to a lawyer at this point can be the best move for you to make. An experienced worker’s comp lawyer knows the laws well and can provide you with the insight and answers you need regarding the process. A lawyer will sit and discuss your situation with you to make sure your incident qualifies for worker’s comp. Then, the attorney can then advise you about how to proceed with your case. There will be paperwork you need to file to get compensation. If your injuries may be permanent, your lawyer can help you file for long-term benefits and disability payments.

workman’s compensation attorney in Los Angeles

Your Attorney and Your Employer

You may have fears about filing a claim against your employer, and it is only natural for you to have concerns. As your workman’s compensation attorney in Los Angeles, we at Belal Hamideh Law are there to represent you and protect your rights. While your employer may work to deny your claim, we will fight vigorously for you to make sure you get what you are entitled to so your medical expenses, lost wages, and other compensations are fair.

You Need the Help of an Attorney

Any time you have any questions about what to do about a workplace injury, it is the right move to contact a workman’s compensation attorney in Los Angeles for help. We at Belal Hamideh Law will gladly provide you with a free consultation so we can discuss your case privately with you. Call us at (888) 277-6122 so you can speak with an experienced attorney and get advice on how to proceed.