Car Accident in Los Angeles

What was just another ordinary day in your life can change very quickly. Maybe you’re on your way home from work, or just running some errands, and suddenly you’re struck by another driver. In a flash, you can find yourself stunned, in a badly damaged car, with injuries to your back, neck, head, legs, or worse. You’re confused and dazed, unsure what has just happened, and even less sure about what you should do next. If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Los Angeles, you need to know the best steps to take to help and protect yourself.

Get Medical Attention

The most important action you need to take immediately following an accident is to protect your safety. You want to stay with your vehicle and await the arrival of law enforcement and medical personnel. They will take your information, examine you, and if you need more detailed medical attention, they may take you to the hospital. You will likely get the information for the party that was the cause of the accident, as well as some police reports, but before you do anything with this information, you may want to contact a lawyer.

Car Accident in Los Angeles

Getting Legal Advice

It’s all too common for those involved in a car accident in Los Angeles to deal with insurance companies on their own without getting legal advice. It’s in your best interests to take the time to talk to a personal injury attorney about your case. Your lawyer can advise you about the options available to you, make sure you get the proper medical treatment, and assess the situation regarding appropriate compensation for your injuries.

Give Us a Call

If you were involved in a car accident in Los Angeles and are unsure about what to do next, reach out to the team at Belal Hamideh Law. We are an experienced personal injury law firm that can provide you with the best advice and representation for your case to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. You can contact us at 888-503-2850 to arrange for a free consultation, and we can go over your case to decide the best possible steps to take going forward.