When you suffer an injury in the workplace it can be a very frightening thing for you. The first thoughts that may flash through your mind are how are you going to pay for your medical bills, how long will you be out of work and what if you lose your job? How will you support your family? An injury that occurs in the workplace falls under worker’s compensation laws in California, but filing all of the paperwork, getting things done in a timely manner and the fear of filing such a claim against your employer can all create a lot of anxiety for you. If you find yourself in a situation like this, you can avoid all of the anxiety by getting a worker’s comp lawyer in Los Angeles to help defend you.

Get the Medical Care You Need

Getting injured at work should never prevent you from getting the medical care you really need, even if you are afraid of how it is going to be paid for. When you go to see a lawyer that specializes in cases of workplace injuries, one of the first things they can do for you is to make sure that you see the proper doctors that can help you with your injuries. A good lawyer will take your case on a contingency basis, meaning they do not get paid until there is some kind of a settlement. This way you will not have to worry about any lawyer fees or medical bills unless there is a judgement in your favor and at that point fees are taken from the settlement you receive, meaning nothing ever comes out of your own pocket.

Don’t be Afraid

Many people hold off on getting a lawyer because they are afraid to file claims against their employer. You should not feel intimidated or afraid to get compensation that you are legally entitled to according to the laws. Your worker’s comp lawyer in Los Angeles can explain everything to you and make sure that your rights are protected throughout your case so you do not have to fear any intimidation.

Injury claim


A worker’s comp lawyer in Los Angeles can help ease all of your worries and get you the settlement that you need to help yourself and your family. If you have a worker’s comp claim you need help with, make sure to contact the Belal Hamideh Law firm at 888-503-2850 so you can arrange for a consultation to discuss your case.